City Council, 1/11/21


1. Pledge of Allegiance – Moment of Silence. 00:02:14

3. Roll Call. 00:03:29

Special Recognitions: 00:04:10

4. Swearing in of Elected Officials. 00:15:27

5. Election of City Council Officers. 00:25:26

6. COVID-19 Update 00:32:21

Consent Agenda: 00:45:05

9. Authorize a Legacy Trail Grant Agreement 00:45:27

Public Hearings: 00:55:15

16. Bridge and roadway improvements 00:55:18

17. Development Program for District No. 3 01:01:00

Old Business: 01:12:34

18. Extend the Mayor's Local Emergency Declaration 01:12:39

Open Discussion & Announcements: 01:13:46

Adjournment 01:50:03

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