City Council, 7/6/20


1. Pledge of Allegiance – Moment of Silence. 00:04:09

3. Roll Call. 00:04:52

Consent Agenda: 00:05:39

16.Support Recovery of Central Business Distrit 00:07:06

10. Press Bar clean up of the property 00:13:46

8.Gambling premises permit for StCloud Boxing Club 00:18:46

Public Hearings: 00:20:45

19.Rezoning property at 630 E St. (REZ-2020-05) 00:20:46

20. PUD AT 1615 15TH Ave SE (DPA-2020-02) 00:22:41

Old Business: 00:31:20

21.Extend the Mayor's Local Emergency Declaration 00:31:21

Open Discussion & Announcements: 00:34:40

Adjournment. 00:44:58

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