City Council, 9/9/19


1. Pledge of Allegiance – Moment of Silence. 00:03:16

3. Roll Call. 00:04:15

Special Recognition: 00:04:21

4. 100th MN's Ratification of Women's Suffrage 00:04:43

Consent Agenda 00:14:16

6. Approval Minutes from Council, Aug 5 & 19, 2019 00:15:46

Public Hearing: 00:18:18

21. Preliminary Tax Levy and Budget for 2020 Govn. 00:18:19

22. Special Tax Levy and Budget for STC EDA 00:21:12

23. Special Tax Levy for Housing & Redevelop Auth. 00:26:24

24. Delinquent Utility Accounts to the County 00:31:02

25. Tree Removal Charges - Resolved - no action 00:34:17

26. Delinquent Weed Removal/Grass Mowing Charges 00:34:27

27. Delinquent Nuisance Abatement Charges 00:36:42

28. Delinquent Administrative Citation Charges 00:47:27

29. Special Assessment Roll 2 00:49:51

30. Delinquent Snow Removal Charges 01:42:10

31. Upper Pan Sanitary Sewer Rerouting 01:46:34

32. STC Community Development Block Grant Program 02:13:55

33. A. Lenzmeier Planned Unit Allow C1,C4,C5,R4&R5 02:15:46

33. B. Land Use of 3763 & 3765 Roosevelt Road 02:27:55

33. C. Plats of Lenzmeier 3rd Addition 02:30:19

34. Land Development Code Signs in Ag and Resident 02:31:11

35. 37th Ave S, 2nd st. S&W of the Stearns Museum 02:54:51

Old Business: 02:57:40

36. Discussion on Council Rules of Conduct. 02:57:46

Open Discussion & Announcements: 03:26:36

Adjourn: 03:32:27

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